Tag Archives: non-fiction

Book trip

Author's Choice

The cover of the third and latest edition of Author's Choice by Kerima Polotan, one of the best English-language books written by a Filipino. (Pic by kabayancentral.com)

Travel allows for the best education the world can provide.

Or so say those who can afford it.

Fortunately, a cheaper alternative is always available.

And it’s not necessarily made in China.

It’s called reading, an activity, usually solitary, that may not be as exciting as visiting foreign shores, flying business class, or flirting with flight attendants.

Once undertaken, especially with a good writer as a guide, reading allows anyone to take a trip anywhere — including the planet Tralfamadore* — without having to clear immigration and undergo intensive cavity searches.

While travel transmits knowledge firsthand — how to get the best seats in economy class, how to request alcoholic beverages in an Islamic country, and how to avoid looking like a promdi in Manhattan** — reading does the same but through filters, the writer’s inclinations and idiosyncrasies. Continue reading

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